Recently, I wrote about a project involving aerial photography from an An-2 plane over the Kaluga-Alexin Canyon. For this area, I managed to obtain 1:10,000 scale maps, created in the early 1960s, which I used as a base for georeferencing our aerial photographs. On this base, I overlaid several thousand of our images, correcting perspective and optical distortions for each one and removing visible seams between frames. We adjusted the colors to keep them vibrant while ensuring that the labels and markings remained clear and legible. This allowed us to create a seamless, high-resolution composite image over two meters long, fully georeferenced. Aligning the coordinates was challenging, as the old maps were in a local coordinate system that couldn’t be directly converted to Pulkovo-42 or WGS-84. And this was only the preparation of the base layer for the map!